Ricarda Mieth
Ricarda Mieth - muster(N)



maps and notes

sight-specific installation
diploma presentation, Kunsthochschule Berlin

The world is flat when seen on a map.

Ricarda Mieth - muster(N) Ricarda Mieth - muster(N)
These are islands which have not yet graced the pages of an atlas. The area was firt charted on 9 April 03, in the strict Borgesian sense. Now a life-sized map exists. One is almost tempted to say that this is no earthly archipelago. A single person possesses the entire group. This island domain can only be reached via trust and affection. A romantic idea, which may vaguely recall Madleine de Scudéry's Baroque topographies.
The average annual temperature is a tropical 37°C.
Ricarda Mieth - muster(N)
Ricarda Mieth - muster(N)